Rorogoi's latest photos

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Rorogoi left and Bada

Bada and Rorogoi strength testing

Rorogoi browsing with the others

Rorogoi busy browsing

Rorogoi, left, Tahri and Bada

Rorogoi scratching after Nelion

Rorogoi playing with Nelion

Rorogoi and Nelion pleased to see Laikipia

Rorogoi and Bada games come to premature end

Rorogoi solo browsing

Rorogoi solo browsing

Rorogoi before she came out of the narrow trench

Rorogoi greeting a wild herd

Rorogoi browsing high up on the hill

Rorogoi drinking water

Rorogoi at the front browsing

Rorogoi, Ndoria and others

Rorogoi and Arruba at the edge of the water

Rorogoi finds a quiet browsing spot

Dabassa trying to recruite Rorogoi for games

Wild elephant spooked by Rorogoi's presence

Rorogoi playing at the edge of the water

Rorogoi holding a branch in her her trunk

Rorogoi also runs off scared by the wild elephant

Arruba back and Rorogoi play in an erosion trench

Rorogoi having a drink of water

Rorogoi left, Suswa and Ajali

Embu, Panda, Mbirikani, Rorogoi & Ndii

Rorogoi moving uphill to browse

Rorogoi watching Ishaq-B

Rorogoi browsing

Rorogoi enjoying fresh browse

Rorogoi after dusting

Suswa and Rorogoi at the Baobab water trough

Rorogoi taking a break from the heat

Mudanda, Kihari and Rorogoi

Nelion, Bada, Mudanda and Rorogoi

Rorogoi after mudbath

Rorogoi enjoying the downtime

Rorogoi leads everyone to browse uphill

Bada spoiling Rorogoi's bathing moment

Rorogoi sliding into the mud

Rorogoi in the browsing fields

Rorogoi browsing

Rorogoi scratching

Rorogoi browsing

Rorogoi scratches on a rock

Rorogoi water games

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