Rorogoi's latest photos

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Rorogoi splashing water

Nelion front and Rorogoi mud bathing

Rorogoi browsing

Rorogoi scratching

Emoli and Rorogoi at the water trough

Suswa, Nelion & Rorogoi dustbathing

Rorogoi sleeping on the red soil

Lentili spilling water on Rorogoi's head

Rorogoi holding her bottle by herself

Suswa, Nelion and Rorogoi drinking

Rorogoi joining a wild herd

Rorogoi playing on the ground

Rorogoi sniffing the air

Rorogoi, Nguvu, Ishaq-B and Lentili at the water trough

Rorogoi testing the water

Rorogoi playing with Nguvu

Rorogoi scratching

Rorogoi scratching

Rorogoi by the terrace

Tahri, Kenia and Rorogoi at the dustbath

Rorogoi scratching

Rorogoi tossing soil in the air

Tahri, Kenia and Rorogoi join Mashariki

Rorogoi left and Nguvu

Rorogoi scratching on the baobab treee

Mashariki left and Rorogoi scratching

Rorogoi, Araba, Kenia, Tahri and Ndii

Rorogoi climbing up

Rorogoi swimming

Rorogoi with a wild elephant herd

Rorogoi running to catch up with her friends

Rorogoi, Mbegu & Ngilai browsing together

Bada, Rorogoi & Tundani follow a wild bull

Rorogoi scratching

Rorogoi stops to have a scratch

Rorogoi scratching

Rorogoi and Bada splashing water

Rorogoi and Bada engaging

Rorogoi browsing

Bada and Rorogoi

Rorogoi having fun at the mudbath

Rorogoi left and Tundani

Rorogoi drinking water

Rorogoi and Mudanada

Rorogoi having fun at the mudbath

Rorogoi soil bathing

Rorogoi waiting for Tahri to finish scratching

Rorogoi and Suswa

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