Rorogoi's latest photos

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Embu, Rorogoi & Mashariki greet the wild calf

Rorogoi browsing

Rorogoi enjoying vegetation


Rorogoi left behind and following the others

Rorogoi in her browsing mission

Rorogoi, left, trying to lie on Panda

Rorogoi in front browsing with Suswa

Rorogoi, left, and Nelion in the mud bath

Rorogoi and Nelion discussing tactics

Rorogoi,Arruba, Mashiriki and Lentili on the wall

Rorogoi leading the way to the stockades

Rorogoi after her mud bath

Rorogoi removing water from her ear

Mbirikani hurrying to catch up with Rorogoi

Suswa in front and Rorogoi following the others

Rorogoi lying down in the mud

Rorogoi lying down in the mudbath

Masahriki lays down to challenge Rorogoi

Rorogoi browsing

Ndii left, Panda and Rorogoi

Kenia, back, pushing Rorogoi, Embu, Elkerama

Rorogoi showcasing her dusting expertise

Rorogoi left with Arruba and Lentili

Arruba and Rorogoi with Seraa

Rorogoi doesn't like the ostriches near the babie

Lempaute with Rorogoi

Arruba & Rorogoi relaxing with the Voi orphans

Mashariki and Rorogoi

Rorogoi and Arruba sniffing

Rorogoi browsed normally

Rorogoi got a fright

Rorogoi browsing fast

Rorogoi was watching Enkikwe

Rorogoi charging around

Rorogoi and her little sharp tusks!

Rorogoi, Suswa and Arruba playing

Rorogoi and Siangiki

Rorogoi our browsing

Rorogoi with the Keeper

Rorogoi tries to join Arruba and Oltaiyoni

Rorogoi and Arruba



Rorogoi shoved poor Mbegu into the water

Rorogoi has been bullying Siangiki

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