Rorogoi's latest photos

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Embu and Rorogoi in the water

Rorogoi & Pika Pika wallowing

Suswa, Embu and Rorogoi coming for milk

Rorogoi & Pika Pika at mud buth


Thamana and Rorogoi

Rorogoi left and Mudanda watch over Thamana

Rorogoi climbing the stockade terrace

Suswa and Rorogoi mud bathing

Rorogoi and Embu

Rorogoi after mud bath

Rorogoi dusting

Rorogoi and Embu browsing

Suswa and Rorogoi splashing in the water trough

Mbegu playing with Rorogoi

Rorogoi and Lemeki snuggling

Rorogoi, Thamana, Ndotto, Mbegu on the dust mound

Ndotto, Rorogoi, Embu, Mudanda and Suswa

Rorogoi, Mudanda, Arruba, and Pika Pika

Arruba, Embu and Rorogoi

Godoma and Rorogoi

Rorogoi having fun in the water

Rorogoi splashing

Arruba scratching on Rorogoi

Rorogoi playing at mud bath

Lemeki, Mbegu and Rorogoi at the water trough

Rorogoi behind Godoma

Rorogoi holding Lemeki

Murit and Rorogoi

Mbegu, Embu and Rorogoi greet a wild calf

Rorogoi splashing water

Rorogoi checking on Pika Pika

Mudanda, Arruba, Pika Pika & Rorogoi playing

Rorogoi charging

Rorogoi at the baobab tree

Rorogoi playing at dust bath

Rorogoi and Pika Pika

Rorogoi playing in the water

Rorogoi at the edge of the mud bath

Rorogoi talking with Mbegu

Rorogoi dust bathing

Rorogoi lying on Lasayen

Pika Pika and Rorogoi


Ndotto and Rorogoi sparring

Rorogoi and Ndotto sparring

Godoma and Rorogoi


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