Sonje's latest photos

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Sonje swimming very nicely

Quanza far right with Murera and Sonje

Sonje lying down so that Ziwa can mount on her

Sonje busy picking green shoots

Murera and Sonje watching Ziwa dustbathing

Sonje playing while waiting for Ziwa

Sonje climbing the elephant loading bay

Sonje having fun dustbathing

Sonje browsing

Sonje on the ground playing

Ziwa with Sonje

Ziwa with Sonje and Murera

Sonje splashing her legs with water

Sonje scratching against a tree

Sonje scratching

Ziwa taking refuge from the sun under Sonje's ear

Murera and Sonje

Sonje and Murera dustbathing

Ziwa, Murera and Sonje having a drink

Ngasha mounting Sonje

Ziwa between Sonje and Murera

Sonje coming out of the bushes

Ziwa dustbathing with Sonje and the others

Sonje and Ziwa swimming

Murera and Sonje behind the babies

Sonje going to find Ziwa

Sonje dusting her back

Sonje charging to find Ziwa

Ziwa trying to climb on Sonje but too slippery

Sonje in front leading babies to bottle feeding

Sonje walking up to the trench

Sonje dusting her back with soft soil

Sonje on the left with baby boy Ziwa

Sonje calming Ziwa down

Murera and Sonje walking out of the waterhole

Faraja leading Sonje to the dust bath

Sonje going on the ground to play with the babies

Sonje communicating with baby Ziwa

Sonje with her babies close to her side

Sonje, right, and Murera walking to Ziwa

Playful Sonje waiting for the babies to play

Sonje relaxing after mudbathing

Sonje playing with the babies

Ngasha and Sonje below

Sonje scratching her neck

Sonje sitting on her bottom in the stockade area

Sonje taking Ziwa for a walk

Playful Sonje waiting for Ziwa

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