Current age
13 years old
Rescued date
11 February 2012
Rescue location
Tsavo Ecosystem, Galana Ranch
Date of birth (approximate)
20 April 2011
Reason orphaned
Age at rescue
9 months old (approx)
Current location
Umani Springs Reintegration Unit
Personalised adoption certificate.
Monthly email update on your orphan and the project.
Monthly watercolour by Angela Sheldrick.
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Sulwe is our Christmas morning miracle. In the early hours of Christmas Day, Sonje presented us with the most precious gift: Her first child, a beautiful baby girl. Sulwe means ‘morning star’ in the Luo language. Read more.
Mwashoti, Sonje and friends
Sonje and Lima Lima with their babies
Sonje browsing near Sulwe playing
Sonje, Sulwe sleeping, and Kiasa dust bathing
Sonje and little Sulwe
Sonje and Sulwe playing with a stick beside her
Sonje left, Sulwe centre and Amali
Sonje looking out for Sulwe