Sonje's latest photos

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Sonje exiting the waterhole

Sonje playing

Sonje reaching for the branches

Sonje dustbathing

Mwashoti climbing on Sonje


Quanza and Sonje

Mwashoti climbing on Sonje

Sonje in charge pose

Sonje sharpening tusks

Sonje rubbing her neck in the red soil

Sonje looking for insects in the tree

Sonje and Murera

Ziwa and Sonje

Sonje waiting for her babies to play with her

Murera and Sonje with Mwashoti in between them

Ziwa and Sonje enjoy bath time

Mwashoti playing with Sonje

Sonje sliding in mud after the rains

Sonje scaring off the baboons

Sonje drinking water from a broken pipe

Sonje dusting her back

Sonje relaxing

Sonje feeding on acacia bark

Mwashoti with Sonje and Lima Lima

Sonje scratching

Mwashoti between Sonje and Murera

Sonje eating acacia leaves

Zongoloni and Sonje

Sonje peeling bark off a tree

Sweet Sonje

Sonje browsing

Sonje playing with Ngasha

Sonje and Faraja look for greener Acacia

Ziwa and Sonje Bottle feeding time

Sonje peeling bark of the Acacia

Sonje getting her last bottle

Sonje leads the babies to Chyulu Hills

Ngasha and Sonje after pushing down an acacia

Sonje and Murera charging at the Baboons

Limalima takes over leadership from Sonje

Mwashoti sharing some words with Sonje

Sonje trying to smell what Mwashoti is eating

Sonje in the bushes browsing

Mwashoti playing with Sonje

Sonje and Mwashoti

Sonje browsing

Sonje and Alamaya eating roots

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