Ndotto and Ngilai having fun
Ndii teasing Ndotto
Ndotto scratching his bottom
Ndotto greeting Lesanju
Taveta and Ndotto entwining trunks
Lasayen inviting Ndotto to play
Murit, Lasayen and Ndotto mudbathing
Kihari standing playing with Ndotto
Panda left and Ndotto strength testing
Ndotto on Msinga Hill
Ndotto having a drink from the water trough
Ngilai and Ndotto at mudbath
Ndotto after mudbath
Ndotto coming out of the water
Kihari left playing with Ndotto
Bada right and Ndotto
Ndotto in the field
Lasayen, Godoma and Ndotto
Ndotto standing in the mudbath having a drink
Ndotto near the waterhole
Ndotto scratching against a rock
Ndotto after a dusbath
Ndii playing with Ndotto
Ndotto scratching
Ndotto moving downhill
Ngilai playing with Ndotto
Ndotto at the stockade compound
Ndotto sniffing the air
Ndotto playing at the terrace
Ndotto playing
Ndotto trying to play pushing games with a rock
Ndotto standing in the middle of the mudbath
Ndotto lying on soft soil
Ndotto at the stockade terrace with others
Ndotto and Murit starting a strength testing game
Ndotto,k Mbegu and Ngilai enjoying a mudbath
Ndotto browsing near a herd of buffalo
Mudanda grabbing Ndotto's tail
Ndotto and Mbegu play fighting
Ndotto standing in the water trough
Ndotto and Ishaq-B strength testing
Ndotto going down the stocakde terrace
Ndotto and Mbegu
Ndotto playing
Ndotto in the water with the others
Ndotto front splashing
Murit left and Ndotto strength testing