Ndotto's latest photos

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Ndotto and Mbegu

Ndotto and Ishaq-B playing

Godoma comes to join Ndotto

Ndotto in the trench with his friends

Ndotto in an erosion trench

Ndotto playing

Ndotto scratching

Ngilai left and Ndotto by the mudbath

Ndotto front and Godoma

Ndotto chasing warthogs

Ndotto playing

Mbegu right and Ndotto strength testing

Ishaq-B and Ndotto playing


Mudanda wanting to play with Ndotto

Ndotto and Murit engaging

Ndotto testing the waters

Ndotto and Godoma browse downhill

Ndotto playing on the water trough

Mbegu and Ndotto fighting for shade under a tree

Ndotto lying down with Ngilai behind


Kihari enticing Ndotto and Ngilai to play

Ndotto, Ngilai and Mbegu


Mbegu and Ndotto closer to the wild bull

Ndotto playing Ishaq-B

Ndotto checking the car for milk

Ndii and Ndotto strength testing

Ndotto riding on Kihari's back

Ishaq-B and Ndotto playing

Ndotto and Murit playing

Ishaq-B playing with Ndotto

Ndotto and Ndii strength testing

Murit and Ndotto strength testing

Ndotto and Murit strength testing

Ndotto pushing a tree

Ndotto in a playful mood

Ndotto enjoying hte lush grash

Ndotto playing in the soil whilst Mbegu scratches

Ndotto sniffing the air to locate his friends

Lasayen Godoma and Ndotto playing on earth piles

Ndotto enjoying a scratching session

Ndotto attempting to roll in the mud

Ngilai sitting on Ndotto

Ndotto and Ngilai strength games

Ndotto and Murit pushing games

Ndotto playing in the water

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