Ndotto's latest photos

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Rorogoi lying down Ndotto checks on her

Godoma and Ndotto

Ndotto dusting

Ndotto dust bathing

Godoma, Ndotto and Mbegu dust bathing

Ndotto playing at the edge of the waterhole

Emoli and Ndotto at the mud bath

Ndotto resting on Tundani

Tahri, Ndotto, Embu, Mashariki, Suswa drinking

Mbegu and Ndotto mud bathing

Ndotto and Mbegu sparring

Ndotto climbing on Mbegu while sparring

Ndotto and Mbegu sparring

Ndotto and Mbegu sparring

Ndotto at the dust bath

Ndotto playing in the water

Ndotto trying to engage Ngilai

Ndotto and Suswa trying to get spilt milk

Ndotto on the hillside

Ndotto at the bottom of the terrace Mbegu above

Ndotto left and Suswa dusting

Ndotto watching wild bull

Tundani sparring with Ndotto

Rorogoi sparring with Ndotto

Ndotto and Emoli sparring

Ndotto and Arruba sparring

Ndotto browsing

Ndotto left and Arruba

Embu and Ndotto sparring

Ndotto engaging Mbegu in a sparring session

Ndotto and Arruba strength testing

Ndotto sparring with Arruba


Arruba left sparring with Ndotto

Ndotto coming downhill

Ndotto dust bathing

Ndotto with a wild friend

Godoma left and Ndotto busy browsing

Ndotto playing with Rorogoi

Arruba left and Ndotto strength testing

Ndotto playing with Rorogoi

Kenia and Ndii come to reprimand Ndotto

Ndotto and Arruba sparring

Ndotto scratching

Ndotto scratching

Emoli and Ndotto at the water trough

Nelion and Ndotto strength testing

Tundani playing with Ndotto

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