Jasiri's latest photos

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Jasiri having a scratch on the tree

Zongoloni, left, trying to push Jasiri

Little Zongoloni with Jasiri on the grasslands

Quanza and Jasiri smelling at the crested cranes

Albino Jasiri in the morning

Faraja and Jasiri on patrol

Jasiri at the water springs

Greedy Zongoloni and Jasiri holding their bottles

Jasiri leading the babies to browse

Jasiri browsing on his own in the bushes

Jasiri going to find tasty vegetation

Jasiri and Ngasha pushing each other

Jasiri, right, going to push Ziwa

Jasiri lying down and others playing

Jasiri and his friends drinking from the springs

Jasiri pushing Ngasha

Quanza lying on the ground with Jasiri behind

Jasiri holding his milk bottle

Jasiri and Faraja testing their strength

Jasiri playing on the ground

Jasiri on the left with Zongoloni

Jasiri scratching

Ngasha and Jasiri strength testing

Faraja and Jasiri strength testing

Jasiri playing

Jasiri with ears spread

Jasiri dusbathing

Jasiri looking for wild elephants

Jasiri on the right with Zongoloni

Jasiri in the bushes

Ziwa holding his bottle like Zonogloni and Jasiri

Jasiri looking for his friends

Faraja, left, testing his strength with Jasiri

Zongoloni, left, trying to push Jasiri

Jasiri walking through the water

Jasiri, left - happy babies after milk feeding

Scratching Jasiri

Jasiri scratching

Jasiri early in the morning

Jasiri waiting for some space to wallow

Jasiri trying to reach the tall branches

Jasiri playing with Sonje on the ground

Jasiri smelling wild elephants in the forest

Jasiri testing the water

Jasiri walking towards his friends

Jasiri flapping his big ears

Jasiri looking for the vehicle with the bottles

Jasiri trying to reach a good branch

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