Jasiri's latest photos

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Jasiri playing with Ngasha

Jasiri walking along the path

Ngasha and Jasiri playing

Jasiri getting up from the dust mound

Faraja and Jasiri playing in the mud

Jasiri and Ziwa enjoy wallowing

Jasiri touching his tusk

Jasiri picking bark from an acacia tree

Jasiri & Faraja greeting one another

Faraja & Jasiri playing at the dustbath

Jasiri and Faraja strength testing

Jasiri enjoying pellets

Jasiri dusting up

Mwashoti and Jasiri strength testing

Jasiri browsing

Jasiri browsing

Jasiri waiting for friends

Jasiri and Quanza

Jasiri scratching as the Keeper watches

Jasiri with Zongoloni

Jasiri scartching

Faraja and Jasiri tussle

Jasiri sucking his trunk after his milk bottle


Jasiri quenching his thirst

Jasiri by the water springs

A keeper giving Jasiri attention

Jasiri playing

Jasiri charging at Faraja

Jasiri browsing

Jasiri taking the lead

Jasiri sniffing the air

Jasiri browsing

Jasiri and Alamaya

Jasiri scratching his foot

Jasiri not letting go of his empty milk bottle

Jasiri picking pellets

Jasiri playing with the water

Jasiri feeding himself milk

Jasiri at the mudbath

Jasiri witha small branch in his mouth

Jasiri at the waterhole drinking

Jasiri and Ngasha at the waterhole

Jasiri in the browsing fields

Ngasha and Jasiri

Faraja and Jasiri dustbathing

Jasiri busy browsing

Jasiri and Faraja strength testing

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