Jasiri's latest photos

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Jasiri and Faraja in the shade

Murera browsing close to Jasiri

Jasiri and Ngasha tussle for female attention

Zongoloni leads Jasiri out of the bushes

Ngasha playfully mounting Jasiri

Jasiri and Zongoloni with branches in their mouth

Jasiri and Ngasha in a pushing bout

Jasiri scratching his bottom in the mud

Jasiri browsing

Jasiri scratching

Jasiri and Quanza


Jasiri heading to join the others

Jasiri at the swamp

Ngasha and Jasiri pushing games

Jasiri and Ngasha playing

Lima Lima playing with Jasiri

The pushing boys, Faraja and Jasiri

Jasiri lying down at the dustbath

Ziwa and Jasiri

Jasiri browsing with Mwashoti

Jasiri and Ngasha

Sonje smelling Jasiri's mouth

Jasiri mounting Ngasha at the mudbath

Faraja and Jasiri

Jasiri scratching his belly on a tree

Ngasha and Jasiri strength testing

Quanza and Jasiri rolling around in the water

Ngasha and Jasiri on the pushing game

Jasiri enjoying his milk

Jasiri pushed down Faraja to his bottom

Jasiri rolling in the mud

Faraja and Jasiri testing their strength

Jasiri in a pushing game with Faraja

Jasiri and Faraja having fun at the dry mud bath

Jasiri trying to push Ngasha

Jasiri and Faraja pushing each other

Jasiri picking some acacia leaves

Jasiri enjoying his browse

Jasiri on the right playing with Ngasha

Jasiri with Ngasha waiting for space in the mud

Sonje with Jasiri, following Murera

Muddy Jasiri relaxing after rolling in the mud

Quanza and Jasiri arriving for their bottles

Jasiri rolling in the dust

Zongoloni on the left competing with Jasiri

Jasiri finishing his last bottle

Orphans at mudbath and Jasiri playing

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