Alamaya's latest photos

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Alamaya picking lucerne pellets

Alamaya dusting

Alamaya at the Springs

Alamaya and Mwashoti at the water trough

Alamaya browsing

Alamaya enjoying fresh forage

Alamaya after mud-bath

Alamaya dusting

Alamaya and friends resting in the shade

Alamaya at the mud-bath

Alamaya catches a wild scent

Alamaya browsing

Alamaya browsing

Alamaya pushing Sonje into the mudbath

Jasiri and Alamaya at the lucerne corner

Alamaya throwing dust on his back

Alamaya scratching his underbelly

Alamaya scratching his bottom

Alamaya resting his trunk as Ziwa watches on

Alamaya scratching his belly

Sonje Mwashoti Alamaya at the water trough

Alamaya and friends

Mwashoti and Alamaya strength testing game

Alamaya plays in the mud

Alamaya catches a wild scent

Alamaya and Zongoloni waiting for their friends

Alamaya scratches the back of his ear

Alamaya and Ziwa come across a fallen tree

Alamaya and Jasiri join their friends

Alamaya resting his trunk

Alamaya after being chased away by the Keepers

Alamaya dusting

Alamaya after mud-bath

Alamaya watching over Enkesha

Alamaya scratching his chest

Ziwa and Alamaya enjoying the mud

Alamaya and Quanza trunk hugs

Alamaya dusting

Alamaya scratching his belly on a post

Alamaya and friends

Alamaya walking to the Chyulus

Alamaya arriving from the Chyulus

Alamaya standing up on a rock

Ngasha with Zongoloni and Alamaya in the morning

Alamaya scratching against a tree

Alamaya resting his eyes at the dust bath

Alamaya arriving from Kenze

Alamaya scratching his bottom

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