Alamaya's latest photos

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Alamaya browsing

Alamaya feeding

Jasiri touching Alamaya's tail

Alamaya carrying grass to eat

Alamaya scratching

Alamaya scratching at a sign post

Alamaya having his milk

Alamaya enjoying greens

Alamaya browsing after the rain

Alamaya browsing with the other orphans

Alamaya at broken pipeline

Murera with Alamaya

Alamaya dusting

Alamaya picking up his bottle

Alamaya climbing on his friends


Alamaya playing in the mud

Murera with Alamaya

Alamaya scratching

Sweet Alamaya

Alamaya browsing

Alamaya facing off with Quanza

Lima Lima and Alamaya with flared ears

Alamaya browsing

Alamaya drinking

Alamaya picking branches

Alamaya browsing with the other orphans

Alamaya walking with Murera

Alamaya and Murera down at the mud bath

Alamaya browsing after a mud bath

Alamaya busy browsing

Alamaya smelling out in the forest

Alamaya busy browsing

Alamaya in the forest

Alamaya browsing

Murera and Alamaya at the dustbath

Alamaya having a drink

Alamaya with ears spread

Alamaya after a dust bath

Alamaya charging

Alamaya shouting for Lima Lima

Lima Lima and Alamaya browsing together

Murera and Alamaya browsing together

Alamaya coming down the hill

Alamaya after a dust bath

Alamaya by the waterhole

Alamaya and Mwashoti in the lead

Murera and Alamaya

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