Alamaya's latest photos

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Alamaya accompanying Murera

Alamaya keeping Kiasa company

Alamaya and Faraja

Alamaya drinking from the waterhole

Alamaya and the much bigger Osama behind him

Alamaya drinking from a broken waterpipe

Alamaya in the middle


Alamaya scratching


Alamaya after his mud bath

Alamaya in the mud



Alamaya and Ngasha enjoying the mud


Mwashoti on the left and Alamaya on the right



Lima Lima, Alamaya and a wild bull

Alamaya enjoying a mud bath

Mwashoti and Alamaya pulled down a branch

Alamaya dusting

Alamaya relaxing in the water

Alamaya and Ngasha pick mineral salts

Ngasha and Alamaya wallowing

A very muddy Alamaya

Alamaya rained on

Alamaya at the waterhole

Alamaya wading through a puddle

Alamaya and Kiasa waiting for their friends

Alamaya dusting his chest

Alamaya stops at the waterhole

Alamaya blocking Lima Lima

Alamaya digging up roots using his tusks

Alamaya sharpening his tusks against a tree

Alamaya at the lucerne corner

Wild bull with Alamaya at the Springs

Alamaya dusting

Alamaya keeping Sonje company

Quanza playing with Alamaya

Alamaya dusting his back

Alamaya enjoys the soft grass

Alamaya scratching his chest

Alamaya looking for minerals

Alamaya and Quanza at the water trough

Alamaya keeping Sonje company

Ngasha and Alamaya pushing games

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