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Yatta groups & orphans at the stockade.

Mulika and Yatta

Yatta's group at the stockade compound

Yatta's group at the stockade

Yatta browsing


Yatta leading

Yatta at the mudbath

Yatta in playful mood

Yatta at the mudbath

Challa, Rapsu & Yatta mud bathing

Yatta and Challa

Yatta mudbathing

Yatta leaving the mudbath

Yatta's group at stockade water trough

Ol Malo & Yatta


Yatta's group at stockade water trough

Yatta's group at stockade water trough

Mgeni and Yatta

Yatta playing

Yatta soil bathing

Yatta's group near the stockades

Yatta & Kina

Yatta's group at stockade water trough

Yatta followed by Sidai

Wendi and Yatta

Yatta scratching

Yatta's group leaving with wild elephants

Yatta heading to the mudbath

Yatta's group with a wild friend

Yatta's group coming back in the morning

Yatta's group visits with a wild elephant

Yatta at the mudbath

Yatta's group with three wild bulls

Yatta and Kinna soil bathing

Yatta's group with one of the wild bulls

Yatta after a dust bath

Yatta's group at the mudbath

Yatta communicates with Loijuk

Yatta playing in the wet earth

Yatta and Napasha at the mudbath

Yatta scratching against a tree stump

Yatta and her group returing to the stockade

Yatta and her group with a wild elephant

Yatta & Nasalot


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