Yatta's latest photos

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Yatta & a small group drinking water

Yatta & Lenana with the babies

Wild bull at the stockade with Yatta


Yatta with the babies

Mulika, Yatta and Wild bull

Yatta leads her group to the stockades

Yatta's group at the stockade with two wild bulls


Yatta, Kinna & Selengai at stockade water trough


Yatta and junior wild elephant

Meibai and Yatta


Yatta and her group with the youngsters

Ithumbah escorted by Kinna, Selengai & Yatta

Yatta's group joins the orphans

Orok plays with Yatta

Yatta's group joins the orpahns


Yatta's group joins the orphans

Yatta stands close to Ithumbah as Ithumbah feeds

Yatta stands close to Ithumbah as she feeds

Yatta leading the ex orphans


Yatta, Sunyei & Chyulu check on Ithumbah


Kinna, Yatta & Nasalot greet the new calves

Yatta & Chaimu

Yatta leading the orphans home

Yatta, Kinna, and Napasha

Wild elephant that has joined Yatta's group

Yatta's group at the stockade

Sunyei, Sian, & Yatta

Sunyei, Sian, & Yatta

Yatta with the orphans

Mgeni and Yatta

Yatta's group

Yatta guiding Meibai in the water

Kinna, Mgeni & Yatta quitting the mud bath

Chyulu and Yatta browsing together

Mgeni in a pushing game with Yatta

Selengai and Yatta

Wild bull with Yatta's group

Wild bull with Yatta's group

Yatta's group wallowing

Orok and Yatta

Yatta's group going round a hill

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