Sonje's latest photos

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Sonje playing in the mud

Sonje and Lima Lima eating branches

Sonje and Murera at the waterhole

Sonje getting rid of the tsetse flies

Sonje reaching for acacia pods

Sonje stretches but refuses to enter the truck

Murera and Sonje in the truck

Sonje is Murera's assistant

Sonje avoids the truck



Sonje plays with the water bucket

Sonje has milk


Teleki and Sonje

Sonje having fun at the mudbath

Sonje and Teleki

Sonje in the forest

Sonje with Quanza and Zongoloni

Sonje enjoys some greens

Sonje mothers Tarhi

Sonje plays with Kithaka

Sonje deep in the mud

Sonje comes in from the bush

Ajabu and Sonje

Sonje with Ajabu

Sonje reaching for grass

Sonje and Arruba

Sonje has a drink

Sonje cleverly holds her own bottle

Sonje and Orwa in a tangle

Sonje after a mudbath

Sonje has a lovely roll in the dust

Sonje and Lemoyian out in the bush


Sonje and Quanza crossing the stream


Sonje holding her own milk bottle at visiting

Barsilinga, Ngasha and Sonje

Sonje playing

Bomani and Sonje

Quanza and Sonje enjoying the dust

Orwa and Sonje playing

Sonje browsing

Sonje greeting Orwa

Naipoki greeting Sonje

Sites and Sonje

Sonje browsing

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