Sonje's latest photos

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Sonje playing

Sonje reaching for greens

Sonje browsing

Sonje having her milk bottle

Sonje and Mwashoti

Mwashoti and Sonje

Sonje dust bathing

Sonje drinking at the springs

Sonje at the water hole




Sonje with Zongoloni

Sonje scratching in a funny pose

Sonje going to meet wild friends

Sonje running from Faraja

Murera walking to Sonje

Sonje being a clever girl

Sonje watching Ziwa


Sonje breaking branches for the youngsters


Keeper playing with Sonje at mud bath

Sonje charging around

Sonje drinking


Sonje coming out of the water

Sonje with the herd behind her

Sonje walking through swamp

Sonje all dusty

Sonje smelling at the waterhole.

Sonje having a good scratch near Mwashoti.

Sonje enjoying her bottle of milk, while Mwashoti greedily tries to grab some more.

Sonje enjoying a good belly scratch.

Mwashoti and Sonje enjoying a cuddle.

Sonje and Mwashoti heading back to the bush to browse.

Sonje putting more greens in her mouth.

Sonje splashing around in the mud bath.

Sonje heading out to the field

Sonje sitting on the wall near the stockade compound

Sonje at the waterhole

Sonje leading her friends along the pipeline route

Sonje keenly following Mwashoti at the waterhole


Sonje ready to leave with Zongoloni

Sonje afraid of the birds

Sonje swimming

Sonje ready to walk home

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