Sidai's latest photos

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Meibai, Galana and Sidai

Sidai and Galana

Sidai and Sunyei




Galana, Sidai and Kamboyo having a drink

Sidai and Kamboyo

Loijuk followed by Sidai

Meibai in between Sidai & Galana



Kenze, Naimina, Sidai & Meibai feeding

Chyulu, Enasoit & Sidai

Sidai mudbathing

Yatta followed by Sidai



Sidai playing

Lenana and Sidai touch heads

Kenze and Sidai

Kora and Sidai in a pushing game

Kenze followed by Sidai

Kora locks trunks with Sidai


Sidai communicates to Lenana

Nasalot and Sidai

Sidai with raised ears

Kinna, Naserian & Sidai crossing a road

Kinna, Orok & Sidai

Sidai, Naserian & Sunyei communice with trunks

Sidai charging

Little Sidai on the right with her keeper

Sidai and Buchuma browsing together

Orok, Wendi and Sidai

Challa and Sidai wallowing

Challa, Sidai and Rapsu leading

Sidai in the lead

Sidai scratching

Orok with Sidai following

Sidai having some milk

Sidai, Orok and Lualeni

Sidai still looking a little thin

Orok, Sidai & Loijuk

Sidai out in the bush with the others

Sidai standing aside from the others

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