Current age
20 years old
Rescued date
1 February 2006
Rescue location
Laikipia, Ol Pejeta Conservancy
Date of birth (approximate)
19 June 2004
Reason orphaned
Drought related
Age at rescue
19 months old (approx)
Current location
Living Wild
Personalised adoption certificate.
Monthly email update on your orphan and the project.
Monthly watercolour by Angela Sheldrick.
Access to special content; latest Keepers' Diaries, videos and photos
We first met Sita, wild-living orphan Sidai's first calf, on 12th December 2019, when Sidai chose to bring her baby to meet the Keepers who had helped raise her at our Ithumba Reintegration Unit. We chose the name Sita, which is the Swahili word for 'six', to celebrate Sita being the sixth baby born in 2019 to an orphan rescued and raised by the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. Sita is the 35th baby - that we know of - born to an orphan we have successfully raised and reintegrated back into the wild. Read more
After a years absence, Sidai returned to Ithumba with a new baby at her heels, a days' old little bull who we have named Silas. Yogi is the sixth baby born in as many weeks to our now wild-living orphans, following in the footsteps of Kaia, Njema, Noah, Yogi and Saba. With a protective older sister in the form of Sita, and plenty of nannies to watch over him, he'll grow up just as all baby elephants should: supported and loved. Read more
Sidai is famously private orphan who only debuts her babies when she is well and ready. She is also an unusually prolific mother, giving birth to three calves — all boys — in just five years. Her latest addition, Sid, came just days after Chaimu's baby, Chapa. He is outgoing, energetic, and healthy. Read more.
Sidai with the orphans
Sidai Sid Silas and Sita
Sidai and Sid
Sidai with her new baby Sid at the stocakde
Silas, Sita and Sidai
Sidai, Silas and Sita
Nasalot and Sidai
Sidai Silas and Sita