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Roho the start of the mud bath near Kiasa

Roho stealing Maisha's greens

Kiasa and Roho on the dust mound

Naleku browsing with Nabulu and Roho

Roho climbing on Kiasa's back

Larro, Roho, Nabulu and Kiasa browsing together

Roho resting against Maisha

Roho browsing near Maisha

Roho, Maisha and Maktao enjoying a playful moment

Roho drinking and Larro smelling for more milk

Roho and Naleku peacefully having their milk

Nabulu and Kiasa watching over Roho

Kiasa snuggling up to Roho

Roho and Maisha wallowing in the mud

Roho enjoying the mud bath

Roho, Kiasa and Mukkoka in the forest

Roho snuggling up to Maisha

Maisha and Roho browsing

Maisha splashing mud, Roho wallowing

Roho trying to climb on Nabulu's back

Naleku and Roho near the older girls

Roho climbing on Maisha, near Kiasa

Maisha followed by Roho and Kiasa

Maisha, Roho and Nabulu browsing together

Roho snuggling up to Maisha

Larro, Maisha and Roho browsing

Roho doing a yoga pose

Maisha and Roho

Roho and Maktao

Roho and Nabulu

Roho, Kiombo and Olorien

Ziwadi and Roho

Naboishu, Roho, Maisha

Naleku, Maisha and Roho

Kiasa, Roho and Maisha

Roho browsing between Nabulu and Maisha

Roho checking what Kiasa is eating

Roho being playful with Mukkoka in the forest

Naleku, Kiasa, Roho and Maisha in the forest

Roho, Larro, Maisha, and Kiasa in the forest

Mukkoka with Roho and Kiasa

Maisha cuddling up to Roho

Kiasa and Roho chewing a delicious branch

Roho and Maisha browsing together

Mukkoka and Roho wrestling each other

Maisha, Roho, Naleku and Bondeni

Roho snuggled up to Maisha, near Kiasa

Roho climbing on Maisha near Naleku

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