Roho's latest photos

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Roho being playful with Naboishu

Roho and Naleku facing off

Roho and Naboishu playing rough near Kiasa

Naleku, Roho and Kiasa as they head to the forest

Roho and Mukkoka browsing

Naleku, Maisha and Roho after their milk

Roho play mounting on Kiasa

Naboishu, Larro, Roho, Naleku and Maisha

Roho and Larro having a strength testing match

Maktao, Kiasa and Roho our browsing

Naleku and Roho wrestling each other

Roho and Naleku near Maisha and Mukkoka

Roho and Naleku starting their wrestling match

Roho snuggling up to Maisha

Roho climbing on Maisha's back

Roho trying to steal Maisha's milk

Maisha, Roho and Kiasa browsing

Roho striking a pose with Kiasa behind

Roho and Naleku back in the mud bath

Maisha up ahead with Roho and Kiasa browsing

Roho, Maisha, Kiasa. Maktao, Kiombo, and Nabulu

Roho relaxing with Maisha watching over him

Roho starting to wrestle Mukkoka

Maisha, Kiasa, Mukkoka and Roho browsing

Roho trying to grab at Maisha's trunk

Roho and Maisha at a mud pool

Roho and Naleku near Maisha and Kiasa

Roho grabbing greens from Maisha

Naleku and Roho having a trunk hug near Kiasa

Larro browsing with Roho, Maisha and Mukkoka

Roho trying to grab goodies from Maisha

Mukkoka and Roho wrestling later in the day

Roho, Nabulu and Kiasa in the forest

Roho being playful near Nabulu and Maisha

Roho browsing

Nabulu, Roho, and Kiasa in the forest

Kiasa, Nabulu, Roho and Maisha mud bathing

Roho the little timekeeper having his milk

Kiombo and Roho wrestling

Roho snuggling up to Maisha

Nabulu watching over Larro and Roho playing

Roho being playful

Roho snuggling up to Larro

Maisha checking in on Roho

Naleku and Roho charging down for their milk

Naleku and Roho in between Nabulu and Maisha

Maisha checking on Roho and Mukkoka

Larro, Maisha and Kiasa checking on Roho

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