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Bada soil dusting while Panda stands guard

Naipoki left and Panda

Panda playing with Mudanda

Panda drinking with the others

Panda enjoying a great neck scratch

Panda having a drink and being left behind

Araba and Panda left, Suswa and Arruba right

Panda enjoying some browse

Bada, left, shares copra cake with Panda

Panda browsing

Panda in the middle of the water hole

Rorogoi, left, trying to lie on Panda

Children touching Panda

Panda, left and Bada coming to sit on Tundani

Panda in her water games

Panda exiting the mud hole

Nelion, behind, with Mbirikani and Panda

Lentili, Arruba, Suswa, Nelion, Mashariki, Panda

Panda out browsing

Panda enjoying her swim

Kenia, left, and Panda following behind

Panda and Bada browsing together

Panda returns to her scratching post after Ndii

Panda shining in the water

Ndii left, Panda and Rorogoi

Panda and Ndii leaving the mudbath

Kihari coming in to challenge Panda, swimming

Ndii moving in to challenge Panda

Ndoria, Panda and Naipoki in their own pool

Panda escaping the mud bath from Ndii

Panda browsing

Panda enjoying nice browse

Panda in the mud bath

Panda enjoying a good scratch

Panda following the new arrivals closely

Kenia, right and Panda taking the new arrivals

Panda, front, and Lesanju browsing

Lesanju in a happy mood with Mzima and Panda

Panda having a good scratch in the stockade area

Kivuko,left and Panda after a bathing competition

Kihari, left getting dusting tips from Panda

Mzima and Panda watching Lesanju

Lesanju takes Panda's position on the rock

Panda, down, and Kivuko during bathing comps

Panda having a fun time dusting himself

Panda and Kenia dusting up

Panda dustbathing

Panda down enjoying a mudbath

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