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Shimba and Panda enjoy copra cake

Mweya embraces Panda

Shimba and Panda enjoy dairy cubes

Panda and Shimba have a dustbath

Panda browsing

Wasessa and Panda browse

Panda, Rombo, Ndii and Keinya eat copra cake

Shimba watches Panda and Mweya Hug

Mweya searching for Panda and Shimba


Wasessa watches Panda walk away

Panda reaching for browse

Shimba and Panda browsing together

Panda and Shimba sharing greens

Shimba and Panda near Malaika house

Panda a the stockade

Panda browsing

Panda back at the stockade

Panda at the stockades

Lualeni grazing with Panda in the background

Panda browsing at the foot of Mazinga hill

Panda browsing

Panda browsing close to the stockade

Panda browsing on her own

Seraa left and Thoma tussling to take Panda

Panda eating copra cake

Panda browsing in the stockade

Panda straying off on her own

Panda coming on her own to join the others

Panda next to Wasessa

Dabassa with Panda

Panda sticking close to Lesanju

Panda standing behind Wasessa

Panda followed by Shimba


Shimba and Panda feeding together

Wasessa watching over Panda

Panda bathing as Wasessa watches over her

Lempaute next to Panda

Lesanju follows Panda

Panda in the middle of the mudbath

Wasessa and Lesanju with Panda

Taveta with Panda

Panda milk feeding

Wasessa right with Panda

Kenia upset as she is prevented from taking Panda

Lempaute right with Panda

Panda drinking with the others

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