Oltaiyoni feels lonely
Oltaiyoni has to be more independent
Murera protects Oltaiyoni
Oltaiyoni walks over the rocks
Oltaiyoni out in the bush with the other orphans
Oltaiyoni holds on to a keeper
Oltaiyoni suckling
Oltaiyoni with a keeper
Oltaiyoni and Suswa
Oltaiyoni and Lentili
Oltaiyoni enjoys playing with the other orphans
Oltaiyoni after taking his milk
Oltaiyoni exiting the bud bath
Vuria wants Oltaiyoni's milk
Tarhi with Oltaiyoni and Rorogoi
Oltaiyoni in the bush
Oltaiyoni and Lentili
Lentili, Oltaiyoni and Arruba - friends
Oltaiyoni being looked after