Oltaiyoni's latest photos

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Oltaiyoni carrying a green branch

Roi followed by Kauro and Oltaiyoni

Oltaiyoni and Kamok red soil dusting

Olsekki playing with Oltaiyoni

Naseku, Garzi & Oltaiyoni surrounding Wiva

Oltaiyoni and Roi browsing

Oltaiyoni frightened by the warthogs

Oltaiyoni following the wild bulls

Oltaiyoni can be a tough matriarch

Loading Oltaiyoni into the moving lorry

Roi picking leaves from Oltaiyoni's mouth

Oltaiyoni browsing

Ambo with Oltaiyoni

Oltaiyoni came to investigate

Oltaiyoni leading everyone out

Oltaiyoni, Ambo and Godoma

Shukuru disciplining Oltaiyoni

Oltaiyoni is a good matriarch

Oltaiyoni with Ambo

Naseku & Oltaiyoni with the other Ithumba orphans

Oltaiyoni sniffs at Sokotei, Sirimon and Boromoko

Chyulu with Roi and Oltaiyoni

Oltaiyoni and Dupotto playing

Roi with Oltaiyoni

Ambo with Oltaiyoni

Roi, Oltaiyoni and the other orphans

Godoma, left, and Oltaiyoni helping Ukame

Oltaiyoni came charging

Ambo with his adopted mother Oltaiyoni

Oltaiyoni came running

Dupotto and Oltaiyoni come running out

Ambo following Oltaiyoni

Oltaiyoni was only interested in her Ambo

Lasayen, Kauro and Oltaiyoni

Ambo is being spoilt by Oltaiyoni

Malkia with Oltaiyoni

Ambo following his adopted mother Oltaiyoni

Oltaiyoni, Malkia, Kauro and Murit

Tusuja, Kamok and Oltaiyoni

Oltaiyoni with her baby Ambo

Oltaiyoni with the younger ones

Ambo Oltaiyoni and Mbegu

Oltaiyoni in the forest

Rapa Oltaiyoni and Maramoja

Oltaiyoni following behind

Oltaiyoni with her Ambo and Mbegu on the right

Big mama Oltaiyoni browsing

Oltaiyoni making sure all is okay

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