Makena, Ololoo and Kilaguni
Ololoo in the middle of Wendi's group
Ololoo relaxing under a tree
Ololoo and Lualeni
Sunyei and Ololoo
Ololoo browsing
Ololoo with Wendi's group
Ololoo drinks with wild elephants
Lualeni watches over Ololoo as he drinks milk
Ololoo in the lorry having milk
Ololoo and Chemi Chemi
Ololoo sniffing
Ololoo after mudbath
Ololoo near the mudbath
Ololoo well guarded by the older ex orphans
Ololoo out with the others
Ololoo browsing
Ololoo having milk
Kalama, Chemi Chemi and Ololoo on board
Ololoo in the truck
Ololoo's tusks can be seen as he browses
Chemi Chemi looking at Ololoo in the background
Ololoo with the orphans, Ishanga by his side
Ololoo with Kalama and Peter
Ololoo with Ishanga
Ololoo with the orphans
Ololoo with the Keepers
Ishanga greeting Ololoo
Turkwel with Ololoo
Ololoo with Kalama
Ishanga following Ololoo