Kilaguni and Ololoo strength testing
Kilaguni and Ololoo playing in the mudbath
Kilaguni and Ololoo strength testing
Kitirua and Ololoo getting out of the mudbath
Sabachi playing with Ololoo
Lualeni and Ololoo
Ololoo and Kandecha strength testing
Madiba and Ololoo mudbathing
Kilaguni and Ololoo strength testing
Ololoo playing
Meibai playing with Ololoo
Ololoo and a wild elephant
Chaimu and Ololoo
Ololoo in the mud bath
Ololoo watched by guineafowls
Ololoo learning tactics from Tomboi
Naisula and Ololoo browsing
Ololoo mudbathing
Ololoo in the mudbath
Ololoo plays in the mud
Ololoo in the bushes
Ololoo and Kandecha
Melia and Ololoo
Ololoo and Challa at the mudbath
Ololoo in the water
Melia and Ololoo
Ololoo scratching
Ololoo joins Naisula for a scratching session
Ololoo wallowing
Lualeni mudbathing with Ololoo
Ololoo browsing
Ololoo and Lualeni
Ololoo browsing
Ololoo and Kilaguni browsing together
Ololoo crossing a road
Ololoo and Kandecha feeding
Ololoo crossing the road
Ololoo in a charging mood
Ololoo on the top of the soil bath
Ololoo and Lualeni
Makena and Ololoo at the mudbath
Ololoo browsing
Ololoo and wild bull
Sabachi and Ololoo
Ololoo and Sabachi