Olare's latest photos

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Olare's group drinking water

Olare's group looking healthy and happy!

Olare's group arriving at the stockades

Olare enjoying her lucerne

Nasalot dusting and Olare

Olare's Ex Orphan group with wild elephants

Olare playing with Orwa

Olare's group drinking water

Olare's group coming to the stockade


Olare playing with a stick

Olare playing with Orwa

Olare with other Ex Orphans

Olare's group at the stockade

Olare attacking a fallen tree

Olare's group drinking water

Kanjoro and Olare

Olare greeting the babies

Olare and Orwa with trunks entwined

Olare feeding on lucerne

Kibo mounts on Olare

Olare greets Orwa

Olare's group at the stockade

Olare leads the ex orphans to the stockade



Sabachi, Kasigau, Kalama, Kitirua & Olare

Olare out and about

Olare near the stockade


Olare after a dustbath

Olare standing in the shade


Olare soil bathing



Kilaguni and Olare

Olare scratching

Kanjoro and Olare strength testing

Olare scratching

Olare breaking a tree



Olare relaxing under a tree

Olare and Suguta playing

Olare and Yetu

Olare scratching

Olare feeding on lucerne

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