Olare's latest photos

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Olare and Ola

Ola, Olare and Sagateisa

Olare and Chaimu

Olare and Ola

Mukkoka, baby Ola and Olare

Olare's baby nursing

Olare with the orphans

Olare arriving at the mud bath

Olare, Naisula and Nyx


Milo following Olare

Naserian, Njema and Olare

Naserian, Njema, Olare, and Saba at the mud bath

Olare and Malkia with Sunyei, Siku, and Saba

Olare and Kenze

Olare browsing

Sities, Olare & Mundusi having a drink

Nasalot, Olare and Nusu

Olare dust bathing

Mutara and Olare's group with the orphans

Olare's group comign to the stockade

Olare after having drank some water

Ishanga playing with Olare

Olare and her herd

Loijuk, Nusu and Olare

Pare greeting Olare

Olare escorting the babies

Nusu leading Kalama, Olare and Maramoja

Olare's group smelling with their trunks up

Olare, Yatta and Yoyo

Tumaren, Melia and Olare

Olare's group arriving

Olare's herd arriving

Melia, Olare and Tumaren

Olare's herd joining wild bulls

Makireti leading Olare's herd

Olare scratching

Olare eating her share

Oltaiyoni and Olare soil dusting

Wild elephant with Olare

Olare playing

Olare soil dusting

Orwa plays with Olare

Olare's group checking in


Olare coming in

Olare's group reporting in the morning

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