Ndii's latest photos

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Sinya, Kenia & Ndii browse near the fence


Ndii, Layoni & Kenia check the temperature

Ndii near some green shoots

Ndii with Mudanda

Ndii, Layoni and Mudanda

Mudanda and Ndii

Ndii wallowing

Red Ndii

Ndii crawling

Ndii, Kenia and Kivuko

Ndii playing at the stockade

Ndii showing her tusks

Kenia, Ndii and Wasessa browsing

Dabassa and Ndii playing

Ndii feeding

Ndii lifting greens

Rombo and Ndii

Ndii feeding in the bush

Ndii dustbathing

Wasessa and Ndii engaging wild calves

Kenia, Ndii and Layoni with a wild bull

Panda, Rombo, Ndii and Keinya eat copra cake

Ndii walking past some wild flowers

Ndii browsing


Ndii playing with water

Ndii at the water barrells

Ndii and Dabassa lock trunks

Ndii and Taveta browsing

Ndii browsing

Ndii leading the way

Shimba, Ndii and Kenia browsing at the stockade

Ndii busy feeding

Kenia left, Dabassa & Ndii in a pool of water

Ndii and Dabassa in the water

Ndii left and Kenia

Ndii in the mudbath

Ndii browsing

Layoni, Ndii and Rombo mudbathing

Ndii feeding

Ndii having a lovely time in the mudbath

Ndii lying down in the mudwallow

Kenia puts a trunk on Ndii's head

Ndii playing at mudbath

Ndii and Kenia at the mudbath

Ndii center of attention at the mudbath

Ndii rock scratching

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