Ndii's latest photos

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Ndii and Tahri on Msinga Hill with the others

Embu, Panda, Mbirikani, Rorogoi & Ndii

Ndii scratching

Ndii browsing on Msinga Hill

Tahri, Ishaq-B, Ndii, Kenia & Panda running

Araba pacifying Ndii

Ndii running to the waterhole

Ishaq-B and Ndii greeting Laikipia

Ndii holding Tahri close

Ndii moving up hill away from the others

Tahri lifting trunk to greet Ndii

Ndii leaving the mudbath area

Ndii angry at being left behind

Ndii finds a stick to play with

Araba and Ndii browsing together

Mbirikani, Aruba and Ndii ready to start the day

Ndii at the edge of the watering hole

Panda taking Ndii

Ndii drinking water out of a shallow tree

Ndii stretching out trunk to Lentili

Ndii looking for greener pastures

Ndii finds a tree to scratch against

Araba and Ndii browsing

Ndii, Araba and Kenia

Ndii taking Araba from Mashariki

Ndii kneeling in the water

Ndii enjoying range cubes

Ndii on the mudbath wall

Ndii and Araba enjoying the mudbath

Ndii having fun in the water

Araba and Ndii having a ball at mudbath

Araba being followed by Ndii

Ndii feasting on a root

Ndii embracing Tahri

Panda and Ndii browsing

Ndii taking Araba

Ndii sliding in the mud

Ishaq-B, Kenia and Ndii with Arruba

Ndii reaches up to the higher branches

Ndii down in the mudbath

Ndii with a dry stick in her mouth

Ndii looking after Arraba

Ndii keeping Kenia away from Arraba

Naipoki greeting Ndii

Ndii and Kenia hiding Arraba from Lempaute

Ndii, Rorgoi and Ishaq-B waiting for lucerne

Ndii playing the Baobab water trough

Ndii and Mudanda browsing

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