Mweiga on Mazinga Hill
Mweiga welcomes Impalas to drink some water
Mweiga looking fat and in good health
The green lush shoots are a joy for Mweiga
Mweiga enjoying the green season
Mweiga having a drink of water
Mweiga standing by the mudbath
Mweiga wants to go with Emily
Mweiga enjoys a little scratch
Mweiga, Salama, Laikipia & Nyrio greet a keeper
Mweiga drinking
Sosian comes back to fetch ailing Mweiga
Good friends Mweiga and Mweya
Emily escorts Mweiga to the stockades
Mweya helps to push Mweiga up the hill
Mweiga feeding on her own
Mweya chooses to remain close to Mweiga
Mweiga feeding
Mweiga and Seraa
Emily with Mweiga
Emily, Wild Boy and Mweiga
Dika feeding with Mweiga
Solango and Mweiga
Mweiga and Sagalla