
Sadly Mweiga passed away on December 22nd, 2007. She shall forever remain in our hearts

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Mweiga's Story

A female calf born approximately in November 1998 and rescued at approximately 7 months. Mweiga was a victim of "problem animal control", her family having wandered into human settlement near Mweiga, so she comes from the Aberdare forest population. The herd was driven out of settlement by thunder flashes at night but Mweiga was left behind. She was big for her age, estimated by the Vet who darted her for capture to be a year old, when in fact she was barely 7 months, and as such should have been a Nairobi Nursery candidate. Instead she was flown direct to Tsavo where she suffered from the heat, and severe psychological depression, missing her elephant family sorely.Mweiga is a delicate, but very sweet elephant, and has a sensitive disposition.

Mweiga's Story

Date of passing

22 December 2007



Rescued date

1 May 1999

Rescue location


Date of birth (approximate)

1 October 1998

Reason orphaned

Problem animal control

Age at rescue

6 months old (approx)

Passed away

22 December 2007

Mweiga's Archival Updates

Hoshim’s Story

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Protector of the Giants - An evening with Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick DBE, London 7th September 2010 - Article from the Elephant Commentator

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The death of Mawenzi

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Mweiga's Archival Photos

Burra and Mweiga browsing

Mweiga scratching

Mweiga resting under a tree

Mweiga at the water hole

Icholta, Mweiga, Seraa & Thoma

Keepers trying to assist Mweiga to her feet

Rest in peace Mweiga

Mweiga & Burra moving to the bush