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Esampu, Musiara and Godoma

Musiara browsing

Sweet Musiara with Enkesha

Godoma and Musiara browsing

Godoma with Musiara

Musiara picking soft green leaves

Malkia came rushing in to protect Musiara

Kiko and Musiara

Ndotto going to Musiara

Musiara relaxing

Little Musiara also charging around

Tiny little Musiara

Musiara leading the way

Kauro and Malkia behind with Musiara

Esampu, Musiara, Jotto and Tamiyoi

Musiara has a lovely morning greeting

Godoma with Musiara

Godoma, Musiara and Luggard

Malkia wanted to wake Musiara up

Musiara was annoyed with Sattao

Musiara in his blanket

Malima with her little Musiara

Musiara before soil bathing

Musiara with Esampu

Musiara and Godoma

Mbegu with Musiara

Happy Musiara

Mbegu with Musiara

Musiara browsing with Mbegu

Musiara going to find Mbegu

Luggard with Musiara

Musiara can be a jealous little boy sometimes

Tamiyoi with Musiara behind

Malima, Jotto and Musiara

Sattao and Musiara in front

Godoma, Musiara and Esampu

Musiara with Godoma

Sana Sana, Musiara and Malkia

Baby Musiara with Esampu

Musiara with the other babies

Esampu will run when she hears Musiara

Godoma went straight to assist Musiara

Ambo feeling jealous of little Musiara recently

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