Musiara's latest photos

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Maramoja and Musiara

Musiara scratching

Sattao, Malkia & Musiara browsing

Musiara scratching

Musiara rubbing against Malkia

Wanjala, Musiara and Sattao

Musiara and Dololo

Musiara seeing what Sattao is eating

Musiara and Sattao having a wrestling match

Dololo and Musiara having a trunk hug

Ndwia browsing with Dololo, Musiara and Sattao

Musiara surrounded by greenery

Musiara enjoying his greens

Musiara snuggling up to Mukkoka

Musiara relaxing in the forest

Malkia, Musiara, Pare and Wanjala

Sattao, Musiara and Dololo browsing

Musiara and Sapalan

Sattao getting a trunk hug from Musiara

Musiara grabbing his greens

Musiara, Sattao, and Tagwa browsing

Gentle Musiara lying in the dust

Naleku snuggling up to Musiara

Mukkoka, Larro, Tamiyoi and Musiara mud bathing

Musiara climbing on Tagwa's back

Sattao and Musiara playing in the forest

Musiara having a muddy game with Tamiyoi

Dololo and Musiara playing

Dololo Maktao and Musiara playing in the forest

Musiara Tagwa and Roho playing near the mud bath

Musiara and Roho play with Tagwa

Musiara and Maktao playing

Musiara urged to re-join the rest of the herd

Musiara with his Keeper

Musiara Larro and Maisha browsing

Maisha and Musiara browsing

Sattao Maisha and Musiara browsing in the forest

Tagwa watching over Musiara

Dololo, Tagwa, Nabulu and Musiara all mud bathing

Musiara and Maktao pulling each other trunks

Maktao and Musiara pushing at each other

Musiara being playful at the mud bath

Musiara, Maisha and the Nursery herd

Musiara and Enkesha enjoying their mud bath

Musiara and Luggard out on the rocks

Musiara and Maktao wrestling

Musiara and Kiombo playing in the forest

Musiara and Dololo holding trunks

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