Mukkoka's latest photos

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Mukkoka down at the mud bath

Tamiyoi, Mukkoka, Naleku and other all huddled

Mukkoka, Larro, Tamiyoi and Musiara mud bathing

Maktao and Mukkoka having fun in the forest

Roho and Mukkoka out in the forest

Mukkoka having fun in the mud

Dololo, Mukkoka and the Nursery herd

Sattao and Mukkoka having a cuddle in the dust

Kiombo, Kiasa, and Mukkoka browsing

Mukkoka after his 9am feed

Maktao, Dololo and Mukkoka

Mukkoka sniffing the air

Naleku Mukkoka Larro browsing in the forest

Dololo and Mukkoka playing

Naleku following Mukkoka in the forest

Mukkoka cutting grass with his trunk

Mukkoka coming in first for his milk

Mukkoka browsing

Mukkoka and Kiko with the orphans in the forest

Naleku with Mukkoka in the forest

Mukkoka, Naleku and Larro browsing on long grass

Mukkoka having a rest in the muddy forest

Naleku standing close to Mukkoka

Musiara, Naleku, and Mukkoka browsing

Naleku standing near Mukkoka whilst he lies down

Tagwa, Larro and Mukkoka browsing

Mukkoka browsing in the long grass

Mukkoka playful in the forest with Maktao behind

Dololo and Mukkoka wrestling

Maktao and Mukkoka being boystrous

Maktao climbing on Mukkoka



Mukkoka and Maisha

Mukkoka running for his milk


Mukkoka out in the field

Dololo and Mukkoka walking in the forest

Kiombo, Mukkoka, and Luggard walking to the forest

Dololo and Mukkoka walking together

Mukkoka leading in the field

Mukkoka enjoying his milk

Mukkoka with his ears raised

Maisha next to Roho, Mukkoka and Tamiyoi

Mukkoka, Maktao and Musiara all playing

Mukkoka charging in for his milk

Mukkoka walking around in the forest

Mukkoka running for his milk

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