Mukkoka checking on Roho
Rama, Naleku, Mukkoka, Roho, Larro, Shukuru
Gentle Mukkoka with Ziwadi
Mukkoka and Kinyei trunk waving together
Mukkoka and Naboishu
Mukkoka resting his trunk on Esoit
Ziwadi, Mukkoka and Kindani browsing together
Larro, Roho, Mukkoka and Rama mud bathing
Mukkoka and Naboishu wrestling
Mukkoka and Naboishu wrestling
Mukkoka and Larro sharing a cuddle
Mukkoka and Naiboshu being playful
Rama, Roho, Mukkoka and Larro mud bathing
Mukkoka, Naboishu and Kindani the fast drinkers
Mukkoka dust bathing
Mukkoka and Larro walking together
Mukkoka and Roho submerged in mud
Esoit and Mukkoka sharing a trunk hug
Esoit playfully hiding behind Mukkoka's ear
Mukkoka wrestling Naboishu, and Kinyei behind
Mukkoka, Roho and Shukuru browsing
Naboishu and Mukkoka striking a pose
Roho, Mukkoka and Larro having fun in the mud
Naboishu and Mukkoka wreslting
Larro and Mukkoka cuddling at the mud bath
Mukkoka and Naboishu wrestling
Larro and Mukkoka wrestling near the water trough
Mukkoka sitting down at the mud bath
Larro, Roho, Mukkoka and Rama mud bathing
Mukkoka and Naboishu wrestling
Mukkoka browsing
Olorien and Mukkoka out in the forest
Mukkoka, Roho and Kiasa out in the forest
Maktao, Kiombo, Mukkoka greetin Maxwell
Naleku, Roho and Mukkoka in the forest
Naboishu and Mukkoka facing off
Mukkoka resting his head on Esoit
Mukkoka posing for the camera
Maisha, Esoit and Mukkoka in the forest
Mukkoka and Nabulu out in the Park
Mukkoka and Kiasa browsing deep in the forest
Maktao wrestling Mukkoka and Kiombo
Maktao resting his head on Mukkoka
Maktao being playful with Mukkoka
Mukkoka and Kiombo being playful
Mukkoka and Naboishu playing in the forest
Kiasa lying down and Mukkoka and Maktao playing
Mukkoka and Naboishu pushing each other