Mteto's latest photos

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Mteto and Oltaiyoni playing

Mteto playing

Mteto playing

Siangiki, Mteto & Olsekki dust bathing

Mteto leading

Kuishi playing with Mteto

Mteto stretching her trunk towards Malima

Mteto & Mundusi browsing together

Meibai and Mteto having a drink

Mteto uprooting a shrub

Mteto, Roi and Mundusi

Mteto leading

Mteto playing with Ndiwa

Mteto and Ndiwa playing

Mteto chatting with Malkia

Naseku, Pare, and Mteto running down for the milk.

Rapa, Mteto and Galla playing.

Mteto, Malkia and Sana Sana

Mteto and Rapa browsing together

Mteto and Esampu soil dusting

Tusuja and Mteto racing for milk

Pare and Mteto feeding

Mundusi playing with Mteto



Barsilinga taking grass from Mteto

Mundusi and Mteto

Mundusi trying to climb on Mteto

Mteto and Rapa browsing together

Malkia, Mteto, Barsilinga browsing

Mundusi riding on Mteto

Ukame and Mteto

Mteto leading

Mteto browsing

Mteto dustbathing

Mteto and Ukame with Roi and Narok

Mteto tryin gto steal Namaloks milk

Mteto playing

Mteto scratching

Mteto with trunk in the air

Mteto, Esampu and Mundusi coming to mudbath

Tusuja riding on Mteto

Nusu plays with Mteto

Mundusi and Mteto

Mteto, Mundusi and Esampu running for milk

Mundusi,Mteto and Sapalan browse together

Mteto soil dusting

Mteto having his 9am milk bottle

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