Mteto's latest photos

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Mteto and Neshashi

Mteto and Orwa at the stockade in the morning.

Mteto and Naseku browsing

Mteto walking to join his friends

Naisula, Nyx and nannies, Mteto, Esampu, Maramoja

Naisula, Nyx and Mteto

Sapalan, Jotto, Malpia and Mteto



Mteto and Kauro

Mteto dust bathing

Mteto and Kuishi browsing

Ndiwa, Neshashi and Mteto

Mundusi playing with Mteto

Mteto on top of the dust mound

Mteto in a playful mood

Mteto greets Enkikwe with his trunk

Mteto, Musiara & Maramoja feeding on Lucerne

Mteto dust bathing


Esampu and Mteto

Mteto playing

Esampu sitting on Mteto

Kauro ridding on Mteto

Sapalan with Mteto

Mteto and Lapa playing

Mteto and Karisa

Malkia rolling on Mteto

Mteto dust bathing

Malima and Mteto

Mteto and Naboishu


Mteto browsing

Mteto scratching

Mteto scratching


Mteto and Esmapu watching over two babies


Kithaka and Mteto ejoying Lucerne

Mteto and Malima browsing

Mteto browsing

Mteto watching over Yogi



Wanjala and Mteto browsing

Mteto walking with Mundusi

Mteto and Esampu browsing

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