Emoli playing with Mbegu
Tundani, Ndotto and Mbegu
Emoli climbing on Mbegu
Mbegu providing reinforcements
Emoli riding on Mbegu
Mbegu and Ndotto
Mbegu sparring with Ndotto
Mbegu playing
Emoli riding on Mbegu
Mbegu at dust bath
Murit coming to bother Mbegu
Mbegu approaching Ivia
Ndotto and Mbegu
Godoma following Mbegu
Emoli, Mbegu, Godoma & Arruba mud bathing
Ndotto and Mbegu browsing together
Embu, Tamiyoi and Mbegu playing
Mbegu relaxing
Mbegu and Murit at mud bath
Mbegu playing
Tagwa and Mbegu dust bathing
Mbegu dust bathing
Mbegu relaxing
Mbegu playing
Mbegu and Emoli playing
Ndotto and Mbegu sparring
Mbegu and Godoma
Mbegu left wanting to play with Cheza
Mbegu left and Ndotto
Emoli hiding behind Mbegu's ear
Murit playing with Mbegu
Ndotto and Mbegu sparring
Embu left, Mbegu, Tamiyoi & Ndotto behind
Mbegu right and Ndotto sparring
Mbegu digging for a dust bath
Mbegu right and Ndotto sparring
Mbegu playing with Ivia
Mbegu browsing
Mbegu running around in the water
Mbegu playing at mudbath
Ndotto and Mbegu sparring
Tamiyoi down and Mbegu
Emoli riding on Mbegu & Ngilai coming to join
Mbegu and others browsing
Mbegu & Sagala enjoying pellets
Mbegu left with Sagala
Mbegu at the mud bath