Ngilai, Godoma and Mbegu playing
Emoli left and Mbegu
Mbegu and Godoma playing
Mbegu playing
Pika Pika & Mbegu herd bathing in empty waterhole
Mbegu greeting the new arrival
Ishaq-B and Mbegu with a wild cow
Sweet Mbegu
Mbegu scratching her leg
Lentili and Mbegu
Ndotto playing with Mbegu who is lying down
Ndotto and Mbegu in the field
Ngilai, Mbegu and Godoma resting on the hill
Mbegu, Godoma, and Aruba all drinking
Mbegu having a drink
Mbegu after finishing her milk
Naipoki, Emoli and Mbegu at the water trough
Sagala greeting the wild herd, Mbegu walking back
Mbegu having a dust bath
Mbegu's little herd
Godoma and Mbegu approaching Lasayen
Mbegu and Ndotto wrestling
Ndotto and Mbegu play fighting
Murit, Tahri and Mbegu
Mbegu keeping an eye on Lasayen
Ndotto engaging Mbegu
Mbegu resting
Mbegu testing the water
Mbegu follows Godoma into the erosion trench
Ndotto tries to engage Mbegu in a play fight
Ndotto and Mbegu
Mbegu and Mbirikani at the stockade
Mbegu browsing
Mbegu greeting a wild calf
Mbegu coming to join Ngilai in trench games
Mbegu playing
Mbegu in charging mood
Mbegu right and Ndotto strength testing
Mbegu left and Ngilai
Mbegu left and Arruba
Mbegu reaching higher branches
Mbegu with a waterbuck
Godoma and Mbegu
Mbegu and Ngilai
Mbegu and Ndotto fighting for shade under a tree
Mbegu enjoying her milk
Ndotto, Ngilai and Mbegu