Lasayen's latest photos

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Godoma and Lasayen

Godoma and Lasayen playing

Lasayen resting his foot on a rock

Ndotto and Lasayen with a wild herd

Embu, Godoma and Lasayen smelling around

Lasayen, Ndotto, Sagala and Tagwa drinking


Godoma and Mbegu approaching Lasayen


Murit playing with Lasayen

Lasayen rubbing on a rock

Ndii coming to rescue Lasayen

Lasayen and Ndotto play fighting

Lasayen playing with Murit


Tagwa, Ndotto, Lasayen and Murit

Murit playing with Lasayen

Lasayen pushing Emoli towards the water

Lasayen and Godoma touching trunks

Mbegu keeping an eye on Lasayen

Lasayen taking a break

Lasayen, Sagala, Tagwa and Emoli

Lasayen and Murit lead the orphans home

Godoma and Lasayen playing at the trench

Murit watching Lasayen and others playing

Godoma and Lasayen strength testing

Lasayen playing

Lasayen scratching

Lasayen and Godoma

Godoma playing with Lasayen

Lasayen charging around

Murit playing with Lasayen

Murit following Lasayen

Lasayen, Godoma and Mbegu

Lasayen Godoma and Ndotto playing on earth piles

Lasayen and friends playing in the trench

Lasayen running in the water

Lasayen enjoying browsing

Tahri with Lasayen

Noone joined Lasayen with his games

Lasayen inviting Ndotto to play

Murit and Lasayen pushing games

Lasayen on the move

Ngilai and Lasayen

Lasayen playing at mudbath

Murit, Lasayen and Ndotto mudbathing

Lasayen in a bushy area

Ngilai and Lasayen

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