Lasayen browsing with Ndotto
Godoma with Lasayen
Lasayen at mudbath
Lasayen browsing
Lasayen browsing
Godoma and Lasayen
Lasayen early morning browsing
Ndotto and Lasayen entwine trunks
Tamiyoi and Lasayen find greener pastures
Ngilai, Godoma and Lasayen walk to the mudbath
Lasayen can be very welcoming
Lasayen running with Sagala
Lasayen going to play
Lasayen looking for lucerene pellets
Lasayen after his pushing game
Luggard, Kuishi, Sattao and Lasayen
Lasayen wanted to chase the warthogs
Pare and Lasayen in the mud bath
Lasayen playing in the forest
Lasayen was ready to push back
Kiko, Lasayen and Enkesha
Lasayen was picked on today
Lasayen used to come down too early for milk
Kauro, Lasayen and Rapa
Lasayen going to play
Kauro, Pare and Lasayen
Malima, Esampu, Tagwa and Lasayen
Lasayen was in a playing mood
Lasayen going to roll in the soil
Lasayen didn't want to play for long with Kauro!
Pare and Lasayen
Pare chasing Lasayen!
Lasayen, Malima and Sana Sana
Lasayen enjoying a milk bottle
Lasayen going to roll on the ground
Ndotto playing a pushing game with Lasayen
Lasayen quiet and busy browsing
Lasayen going to play with Ndotto
Lasayen sometimes bullies Ukame
Lasayen going to fight Rapa over a root
Lasayen back to browsing
Lasayen the time keeper
Sometimes Lasayen can be in a bad mood
Ukame, Lasayen and Dupotto
Mbegu, Karisa and Lasayen
Lasayen and Rapa near the mud bath
Lasayen with Esampu in front
Lasayen wanted to relax after playing