Alamaya's latest photos

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Alamaya and Mwashoti strength games

Mwashoti and Alamaya pushing games

Murera protecting Alamaya

Lima Lima and Alamaya playing

Alamaya pushes Mwashoti behind Murera

Murera standing with Alamaya in the shade

Alamaya in the fresh grass

Alamaya between the big boys

Alamaya with Zongoloni

Alamaya drinking in his own style

Lima Lima and Alamaya charging at each other

Alamaya gets some water from the pond

Lima Lima and Alamaya playing

Playful Alamaya and Zongoloni

Alamaya scratching himself

Alamaya trying to charge at Zongoloni

Murera and Zongoloni guarding Alamaya

Alamaya looking for Limalima

Limalima looking for Alamaya

Alamaya drinking water

Limalima and Alamaya playing pushing games

Murera and Alamaya browse in the hills

Alamaya scratching itchy leg

Alamaya and Mwashoti

Alamaya enjoying soft green branches

Zongoloni and a friend babysit Alamaya

Alamaya plays in the mud after in rains

Alamaya scratching on a post

Alamaya enjoying lucerne

Alamaya trying to rub belly on Sonje

Alamaya looking for Zongoloni

Murera browses with Alamaya

Alamaya leading Murera

Alamaya leaves the waterhole with Ziwa

Alamaya and Mwashoti pushing games

Jasiri holding sticks and waiting for Alamaya

Limalima waiting for Alamaya

Alamaya blowing bubbles

Alamaya leads orphans to bottle feed time

Alamaya cools off with the mud from the heat

Sonje takes care of Alamaya after midday feed

Alamaya breaks off a soft branch

Sonje and Alamaya ready for morning activities

Jasiri blocking Alamaya's way

Zongoloni looks after Alamaya at dust-bath time

Mwashoti and Alamaya pushing games

Alamaya coming down slowly fron the rocks

Zongoloni and Alamaya licking salts

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