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Reliving the March for Elephants

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The rescue of Dupotto

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Sky Vets in the Mara in an effort to save an injured mother elephant

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Fighting for their Lives - Elephants and Humans march together

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Ziwa returns to Nairobi

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The rescue of Embu

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Elephants financially worth 76 times more alive than dead!

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Kili's progress

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The rescue of Murit

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Support of the orphans in memory of the Westgate victims

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Saving Lives from the Skies; another Elephant treated in Tsavo

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Saving an African Icon

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A New DSWT funded Mobile Anti-Poaching Unit Working in Meru National Park

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Hong Kong Official Meets Orphans of the Ivory Trade

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Sabachi's Tragic and Untimely Death - 10th September 2014

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