On the 15th of April Balguda together with his friend Ziwa were translocated to our most recent rehabilitation unit Umani Springs within the Kibwezi Forest
On the 15th of April Balguda together with his friend Ziwa were translocated to our most recent rehabilitation unit Umani Springs within the Kibwezi Forest. This unit was specifically planned for our more vulnerable orphans, ones that have injuries that have compromised them slightly and others that perhaps are not robust enough for Tsavo and the brutal dry seasons that grip that arid land. Umani Springs within the Kibwezi forest is a gentler environment, forested and with plentiful water and food throughout the year.

Balguda has over the years had his health problems which is why we felt he would be an Umani Springs candidate. For the first three months Balguda thrived but in July he began to go off his food, both milk and browse. He lost his strength and no longer could keep up with the rest of the group and his condition deteriorated. All the while he enjoyed the love, comfort and care of his mini Mums Sonje and Murera who adopted him as their special favourite showering him in attention, and for the months he has spent at Umani he appeared extremely content. With his failing health however the decision was made to relocate him back to the DSWT Nairobi Nursery where we could keep a close eye on him thanks to our blood diagnostic equipment and hopefully nurse him back to perfect health which is difficult to do in field conditions where it becomes much more challenging. Also we did not want to wait until such a time that his condition had deteriorated to a point when travel was not an option for him.

On the 18th of July just before dawn he was once again loaded into the all too familiar elephant moving truck and transported the three and ½ hours back to Nairobi. He travelled well with his favourite Keepers and appeared calm for the duration of the journey. What was remarkable was how vividly he remembered the Nursery, instantly familiar with his old stockade, the daily routines and the individuals, both two legged and four. He seemed extremely content back in their midst and very soon was leading the group.

While Balguda’s problem is not obvious, we feel sure it is a blood parasite and he is being treated accordingly and by early August was already showing signs of improvement.