We continue receive encouraging news about Solango’s progress from the Voi Rehabilitation Centre. Solango showed up at stockades dragging his back leg two months ago and has since been recovering under the care of the keepers and loving attention of the Voi orphans. He enjoys the company of the youngsters particularly Siria whom he loves engaging in strength testing games. He has taken to leaving the stockades on a daily basis and spends his days browsing nearby on the slopes of Mazinga Hill.
We continue receive encouraging news about Solango’s progress from the Voi Rehabilitation Centre. Solango showed up at stockades dragging his back leg two months ago and has since been recovering under the care of the keepers and loving attention of the Voi orphans. He enjoys the company of the youngsters particularly Siria whom he loves engaging in strength testing games. He has taken to leaving the stockades on a daily basis and spends his days browsing nearby on the slopes of Mazinga Hill.
Emily’s group visited the stockades for the first time this month on the 10th. Among them was Irima whose arrow wound had healed completely. On the 11th Edie led Emily’s group to the stockade. Burra and Thoma went to greet Solango who was standing outside his stockade. On the 16th the orphans were joined on Mazinga hill by Burra, Serra, and Mvita who were on their way to visit Solango. Burra and Serra cornered Siria engaging him in strength testing games. The three Ex orphans later showed up at the stockades with Loisaba in tow. For four consecutive days, from the 21st to the 24th Emily and her group visited the youngsters. On the 22nd Emilys group joined the youngsters in the browsing fields where Shimba was enthralled with Eve and her soil dusting skills. The next day, Morani left Emily’s group who were browsing nearby and joined the youngsters for strength testing games with Shimba and Siria before rejoining his group.
On the 19th rain greeted the orphans as they left the stockades with Solango in tow. They set a slow pace so that Solango was able to keep up. During the night of the 26th there was a heavy downpour and the orphans had a lovely time the next day playing in all fresh water puddles. The high light of the month took place on the 27th when Emily’s group showed up at the stockades with Ex orphan Tsavo and a wild bull in their midst. Tsavo who was part of Natumi’s group has not been seen since 2009. The keepers were very happy to see him and apart from a notch on his ear he looked to be in good health. He was very gentle with the keepers allowing them to come close and greet him. After a brief visit Tsavo left with his wild friend and due to his appearance the keepers suspect that Natumi and her group are is nearby they have been keeping an eye out for them.
Siria continues to be confident young bull who loves nothing more than playing boyish wrestling games with anyone willing to take him on. Siria has to be disciplined on numerous occasions as he tends to get carried away in his games. During the mudbath games on the 14th he mounted Tassia who cried out to his “mummy” Wasessa who came to the rescue and chased Siria out of the mudbath. On the 5th Siria disrupted the mudbathing enjoyment of the other orphans by charging into the water and raucously hitting the water with his trunk and kicking with his feet. The others were put off by his antics and left the mudwallow.
On the 2nd Kenia and Tassia were quick to finish their morning milk ration and proceeded to beg for some of Dida and Ndii’s share. The keepers were quick to shoo them away so that the others could have their milk in peace. The orphans continue to enjoy chasing other wildlife when tussling around the stockades in the early morning. Lesanju and Sinya enjoyed a game of hide and seek on the 7th while the others went to greet Solango before heading out. On the 20th Mzima and Siria, following an unusually long break, settled their differences in a wrestling competition at the mudbath. They were so busy tussling and playing that they did not notice the rest of the group leave forcing them to abandon their game and run to catch up.
On the 28th Lempaute, who is a mischevious elephant, entertained the keepers with her antics. She began by scratching against a tree stump before picking up a stick and tossing it onto her back. She was further encouraged upon hearing the keepers laughter and kept looking at them to make sure they were watching what she was doing.
The two orphaned lesser Kudus Mkuki and Chia accompanied by a wild female visited the stockades on the 18th and browsed around the compound until nightfall. On the 27th Mkuki and Aruba came by for a visit and watched the keepers who were busy greeting the ex orphan Tsavo.